Tibet Travel FAQ

Answers to the 24 most common questions about Tibet travel

Friends who want to travel to Tibet may have various questions about Tibet. This article summarizes and answers common Tibet travel questions at one time.

It makes it easier for you to arrange your Tibet travel itinerary.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Will I be prone to altitude sickness (altitude sickness)? What should I do if it occurs?

This is the biggest concern of most tourists planning to travel to Tibet.

In fact, altitude sickness is not as terrible as imagined.

Anyone who enters a plateau area may experience altitude sickness, which has nothing to do with age, gender, or physical condition.

If you have any concerns about your health condition, it is recommended to consult your family doctor in advance.

Before going to Tibet, you need to ensure adequate sleep, drink plenty of water, avoid drinking alcohol, and avoid eating greasy food.

Q2: Can’t go to Tibet if you have a cold? What should I do if I catch a cold in Tibet?

Colds can weaken the body's resistance. For those with severe colds, going to Tibet will increase the load on the body's resistance and easily lead to altitude sickness, especially pulmonary edema, which is a dangerous altitude disease that can be life-threatening if not treated in time.

It is recommended that patients with colds enter Tibet after they have recovered and not bring cold germs into Tibet.

Catching a cold while traveling in Tibet is generally not a big problem, because the body already has a certain degree of adaptability and resistance, and timely treatment is sufficient.

In addition, Tibetan doctors are very experienced in treating colds.

Carry some cold medicine with you. Once you have signs of a cold, take common cold medicine and you will usually recover in 1-2 days.

Q3: Is it convenient to take a shower when traveling in Tibet?

There are places for bathing in larger cities in Tibet (such as Lhasa, Shigatse, Zedang, and Nyingchi).

Generally, standard rooms in star-rated hotels in Tibet have private bathrooms and hot water for bathing. Many guest houses also have public baths with regular hot water supply.

When you first arrive in Tibet, try to take fewer or no baths to avoid catching a cold, because bathing will consume physical energy and easily cause or aggravate altitude sickness.

Once your body has adapted to the plateau climate, it will generally be okay to take a shower.

Since the air in Tibet is dry, evaporates quickly, and the temperature is lower at night, you won't feel uncomfortable even if you don't take a shower for a few days.

Q4: The holiday is short, is it suitable to travel to Tibet?

The main expense of traveling to Tibet is the transportation from the departure point to Lhasa. It is recommended to arrange an 8-10 day vacation and travel by plane so that you can fully experience the beauty of Tibet.

Q5: Is transportation in Lhasa city convenient?

In downtown Lhasa, taking a taxi is the most convenient means of transportation. The fare per trip within the city is RMB 10, regardless of distance.

Q6: What are the special foods in Tibet?

The special food of Tibet includes tsampa, butter tea, yak meat, Tibetan noodles, sweet tea and highland barley wine.

If you want to experience the life of Tibetans, you can't miss the sweet teahouses scattered all over Tibet, where you can taste authentic Tibetan noodles and sweet tea and feel the warm atmosphere of Tibetans.

Q7: What’s the weather like in Tibet?

Except for the uninhabited areas of northern Tibet and Ali, the temperature in Tibet is very suitable for tourism. In summer, the daytime temperature is below 25 degrees and the nighttime temperature is about 10 degrees; in winter, the daytime temperature is more than 10 degrees and the nighttime temperature is several degrees below zero. Tourism activities are usually arranged during the day, so it is not hot in summer and not cold in winter. If the itinerary includes Mount Everest, Namtso and Ali, you need to bring warm clothes all year round.

Q8: When is the rainy season in Tibet? Will it affect my trip?

Tibet's rainy season is mainly concentrated in July and August. Most of the rain falls at night, and the daytime is usually sunny. The trip is fully chartered, accompanied by a professional driver and tour guide, so you don't have to worry too much about the trip being affected.

Q9: When is the best time to travel to Tibet?

Tibet's peak tourist season is from April to October, when the scenery is the most beautiful and accommodation and shopping prices are higher, but it is also the best time to experience Tibetan culture.

If you like lively scenes, you can go to Tibet in July or August; if you like quiet scenes, December is also a good choice.

There is no best time to travel to Tibet. It all depends on what kind of Tibet you want to experience.

Q10: Can I use my mobile phone when traveling to Tibet?

As long as you activate the mobile roaming function (please confirm with the telecommunications service company), you can use your mobile phone in most areas of Tibet. China Mobile and China Unicom can be used normally in major cities

Q11: When traveling to Tibet, is it better to bring cash or a credit card?

WeChat or Alipay can now be used to scan and pay in many places.

If you are an overseas tourist, you cannot use WeChat or Alipay and need to carry cash. There are fewer opportunities to use credit cards.

Q12: What medicines are recommended to be brought when traveling to Tibet?

It is recommended to bring personal medicine, cold medicine, gastrointestinal medicine and some antipyretic and analgesic drugs.

If you are worried about altitude sickness, you can prepare some anti-altitude sickness drugs, such as taking plateau rhodiola rosea one week in advance, Panadol to control altitude sickness headaches, and Gaoyuan An or Gaoyuan Kang and American ginseng lozenges after arriving in Tibet.

Q13: What clothes should I wear when traveling to Tibet?

The ultraviolet rays in Tibet are strong, so it is recommended not to wear short sleeves and shorts, and you need to prepare a warm jacket.

Be sure to bring down jackets and thermal underwear in spring, autumn and winter. You need to bring down jackets all year round when you go to Mount Everest, Ali, northern Tibet and other areas.

The best shoes to choose are hiking shoes or hiking shoes.

If you are going to Ali to circumambulate the mountain, you will also need to bring a jacket, raincoat, quick-drying underwear and hiking shoes.

Q14: What are the essential items for traveling to Tibet?

Q15: What should I pay attention to when shopping in Tibet?

Barkhor Street in Lhasa and the free market in Shigatse are good places for shopping, but the quality of goods varies greatly and you need to choose carefully.

The goods in Barkhor Street can usually be bargained down to one-third of the price. It is recommended to go shopping at the ethnic tourism handicraft mall next to Barkhor Street, where the prices are lower and the quality is guaranteed.

It is recommended to purchase Tibetan medicine, cordyceps and saffron at the Tibet Medicine Factory, Lhasa Tibetan Medicine Factory or their outlets. It is not recommended to purchase them in Barkhor Street.

Q16: What souvenirs are worth buying in Tibet?

Tibetan souvenirs include yak bone bracelets, necklaces, turquoise bracelets, etc., which are not expensive and have Tibetan characteristics. More valuable ones include carpets, tapestries, thangkas, cordyceps, saffron, etc. In addition, the stone pots of Medog, the handmade carpets of Gyangze, the Tibetan knives of Lhaze, and the wooden bowls of Purang are also worth buying.

Q17: Can I arrange to see a sky burial during my Tibet trip?

At present, sky burials can still be seen in Zhigongti Temple in Medog County. However, in order to respect local ethnic customs, it is recommended that you do not watch the sky burial ceremony, and do not take photos or record videos without permission, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Q18: What are the accommodation conditions like in Tibet?

In recent years, with the development of tourism resources, accommodation conditions in Tibet have been greatly improved. Lhasa already has international five-star hotels, and in major cities such as Lhasa, Shigatse, and Nyingchi, the facilities of hotels of all star levels are also very complete.

However, due to limited conditions in remote areas, the accommodation environment is relatively simple. For example, most of the beds in the Everest Base Camp, Namtso and Ali regions are guesthouses.

In general, the star-rated hotels in Tibet are slightly lower in quality than those of the same level in other Chinese cities. Tourists are requested to understand this.

Q19: Do I need to bring a sleeping bag when traveling to Tibet? Can I rent one?

If your trip is mainly in big cities such as Lhasa, Shigatse, and Nyingchi, you don't need to prepare a sleeping bag.

If your itinerary includes remote areas such as the Everest Base Camp, Namtso, and Ali, you can consider whether to bring a sleeping bag based on your personal requirements for the sleeping environment.

If you need to rent a sleeping bag, you can ask the tour guide for assistance.

Q20: Is it safe to travel to Tibet?

Most Tibetan residents believe in religion, are simple and hospitable, and travel to Tibet is generally very safe. As long as you abide by local customs and respect local culture, you don't have to worry too much about safety issues.

Q21: How much are the tickets for various scenic spots in Tibet?

For details on the ticket prices for each attraction, please refer to the Tibet Attractions Ticket List.

Q22: How to start planning a trip to Tibet?

Regarding the planning of Tibet travel itinerary, it is recommended to refer to the detailed guide we provide to help you arrange your travel routes and itinerary reasonably.

Q23: What procedures are required to travel to Tibet?

The procedures for traveling to Tibet include applying for a Tibet Entry Permit.

Q24: Will it have any impact if traveling to Tibet happens to be during the rainy season?

Tibet's rainy season is mainly concentrated in July and August. During the rainy season, the road conditions may be poor, and sometimes even impassable. It takes several hours to clear the roadblocks or take a detour.

This is the psychological preparation you must have before traveling to Tibet.

Generally speaking, the rainy season has little impact on the overall itinerary.

If time permits, it is recommended to travel to Tibet between April and June to avoid the rainy season.

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