Sailimu Lake

【2024】Xinjiang Tour Group—10-day in-depth trip to Kanas, Northern Xinjiang

A must-see when traveling to Xinjiang! The latest classic attractions in northern Xinjiang in 2024, condensed into ten days, you can visit the famous must-see attractions such as Sailimu Lake, Hemu Village, Tianshan Tianchi and Cocoto Sea. You can also stroll in the streets of Urumqi and enjoy the Uighurs and Kazakhs. Xinjiang’s characteristic humanities and food enrich various spiritual and visual experiences.

1. 10-day trip to Kanas, Northern Xinjiang - Xinjiang trip

  • Travel to Northern Xinjiang - Recommended in-depth tour of fantastic scenery

  • Urumqi➽ Fuyun➽ Burqin➽ Hemu➽ Kanas➽ Karamay➽ Kuitun➽ Sailimu Lake
    ➽ S101 National Defense Highway ➽ Anjihai Grand Canyon ➽ Urumqi

  • Explore the S101 National Defense Highway, a niche attraction loved by photography experts. It is definitely a paradise for photography.

  • "Coco Tuohai"It brings together beautiful canyon and river source scenery, swamp wetland landscape, cold arctic lakes and geological mineral resources and other natural beauty. You can challenge the 1068-level "Brave Steps" or look for fish in Kanas Lake at the "Fish Viewing Platform" Water monster.

  • There is no price increase for single registration, and more discounts for multiple registrations.

  • welcomeforeignerWith tourists from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, such as: Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Canada, Japan...

  • Pure travel, no shopping in stores is guaranteed throughout the journey

  • From consultation to departure, we will give you a relaxing and hassle-free Xinjiang travel itinerary

  • Exclusive one-on-one travel specialist who understands your needs best and answers your questions immediately

2. 10-day tour in Kanas, Northern Xinjiang - attractions and travel agency services

Excellent native speaking tour guides will be arranged throughout the journey (Cantonese, Chinese and English tour guides can be selected)

Use qualified and safe tourist vehicles throughout the entire journey, not black-brand vehicles

*No tour guide will be arranged for people under 8 people, and will be accompanied by a professional driver locally

【Burqin】There are famous scenic spots such as Colorful Beach and Hemu Village in the surrounding area.【Hemu】Famous for its original ecological style and Kazakh culture, it is known as one of the most beautiful villages in China.【Kanas】The lakes and mountains are magnificent and known as the “Switzerland of China”【Karamay】There are some interesting geological features and mineral resources surrounding this industrial city【Kuitun】A city in northern Xinjiang with some natural and cultural attractions nearby.【Sailim Lake】This is one of the largest inland freshwater lakes in China, with vast lakes and magnificent natural scenery.【S101 National Defense Highway】This is a winding national defense highway with magnificent mountains and scenery along the way, suitable for photography and self-driving tours.【Anjihai Grand Canyon】With spectacular canyon views, it is a great place for adventure and landscape photography.【Urumqi】The capital city of Xinjiang has rich historical and cultural heritage and is also the political and economic center of Xinjiang.【Tianshan Tianchi】The alpine lake located in Xinjiang, known as the "Eye of the Tianshan Mountains", is an excellent choice for photography and outdoor activities.【Colorful Bay】Colorful Beach is famous for its colorful landforms, especially at sunrise and sunset, the scenery is spectacular【Keketuohai National Geopark】This geopark brings together rich geological landscapes and is a resort for geology lovers.[Wolong Bay, Moon Bay, Shenxian Bay]These bays are located on beautiful bodies of water, offering recreational and scenic photography opportunities.【Jiadenyu National Forest Park】This national forest offers spectacular natural scenery and outdoor activities.【Devil City】The Devil City in Karamay is famous for its peculiar landforms and is a representative of geological wonders.【Guozigou Bridge】The bridge spans the Qingshui River and provides convenient transportation to the Horgos port.【Horgos Port】This port is the border port between China and Kazakhstan and is an important thoroughfare for international trade.【Qingshuihe Town】: This small town is located in the border area of Xinjiang and has unique customs and culture.【Anjihai Canyon】: With spectacular canyon scenery, it is a good place for adventure and landscape photography.【International Grand Bazaar】: The International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi is a large market integrating culture, commerce and entertainment, and is a unique tourist attraction.

3. 10-day tour in Kanas, Northern Xinjiang - itinerary introduction

Day 1: Arrive in Urumqi (airport pick-up), Urumqi four-star standard hotel.

Today is the gathering day, all partners are here【Urumqi】Great gathering!

Urumqi is the city farthest from the ocean in the world and the geographical center of Asia. It is also the only place where the famous ancient "Silk Road" New North Road must pass. It occupies approximately 1/6 of China's land area and is the largest province in China.

The next day: Urumqi Tianshan Tianchi Wucaiwan Fuyun, accommodation: Fuyun four-star standard hotel.

After breakfast in the morning, everyone took their luggage and prepared to set off to "the first stop in Xinjiang" [
Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area], enjoy the otherworldly beauty of the reflection of the snow peaks and the clear green lake water.
territory. Here, the Kazakh people have been living for generations. We can enter the Kazakh Folk Customs Park to understand the customs and habits of the Kazakh people, and we can also take a cruise or a sailing boat.
Swim among the mountains and lakes, experience the feeling of returning to the mountains, rivers and forests, view the highest peak in the eastern Tianshan Mountains from afar, Bogda Peak; feel the pride of the Tianshan Mountains under the Seven Swords.

After lunch we will cross
"China's second largest basin" [Jungar Basin] passes through the edge of the Gurbantunggut Desert and passes through the Kalamaili Ungulate Sanctuary. If you are lucky, you can take photos of Platts
Wild horses, yellow sheep and wild donkeys, head to Fuyun Hotel to rest after visiting!

The third day: Fufuyun Keketuohai Burqin, accommodation: Burqin four-star standard hotel

After breakfast, drive to [Kokotuohai National Geopark], which is China’s first national geopark with the theme of earthquake relics. Then drive to Burqin, passing [Ulungu Lake] on the way.

[Ulungu Lake] originates from the Altai Mountains and has a magnificent magnificence as wide as the sea. On the east side of the lake, there are dense reeds, clumps of wild grass, flocks of wild ducks, soaring seagulls, and rare birds such as white swans and spotted cranes. It is known as a bird paradise in summer and autumn. There are also more than ten kinds of rare fish growing in the lake. Apart from Bosten Lake, it is the largest fishery base in Xinjiang. In the evening, go to Burqin’s unique [Hedi Night Market].

[Kokotuohai National Geopark] is China's first national geopark with typical mineral deposits and mining sites as the main landscape. Coupled with the unique Altai Mountain granite landform landscape and rich earthquake relics, it has a rich and diverse With scientific connotation and aesthetic significance, these geological heritages have rare and precious value in the world, and constitute a dazzling scenery on the mysterious tourist route around Junggar in Xinjiang. Ten kilometers away from Kogotuohai Town, there is a large-scale seismic fault zone left by the earthquake on August 11, 1931. It is one of the rarest and most intact fault zones in the world; it has been declared a national level and contains dozens of The geological relics of Mine No. 3 that grow minerals; the natural scenery at the source of the Irtysh River; the clear water of Iremu Lake and the cool and pleasant climate in summer, making it a good place for vacation; unique winter ice and snow resources, including Shenzhong Mountain, Big stone gates, small stone gates, hot springs, sacred springs, fairy caves, strange mountains and strange rocks, etc.

Day 4: Burqin-Hemu Village-Kanas, accommodation: Kanas B&B

[Hemu Village] Mainly populated by Tuva people, it is a quiet and beautiful mountain village. Because it is far away from the hustle and bustle, it has long maintained its simple and honest folk customs. It is known as "God's Back Garden" and "Photographer's Paradise". If you are interested, you can walk into a Tuva home and experience the daily life of the Tuva people.

[Kanas Natural Landscape Reserve] is known as the last piece of pure land in the world. It is breathtakingly beautiful. Along the way, visit "Wolong Bay", "Moon Bay" and "Shenxian Bay".

[Wolong Bay] is named after its shape resembles the bottom of a pot. It is located on the way to Kanas from Bulinjin County, 140 kilometers away from the county seat and 10 kilometers away from Kanas. The lake is surrounded by dense forests, with blooming flowers and green grass. The small islands in the lake are beautiful. The huge boulders at the entrance of the lake hit the middle stream, and the huge waves hit the boulders and jade beads splashed. There is a wooden bridge at the outlet of the lake. Standing on the bridge, you can see the flat Wolong Bay to the north and the roaring Kanas River to the south.

[Moon Bay] will change with the changes in the water of Kanas Lake. It is a pearl embedded in the Kanas River. There are a pair of bare footprints left by Chang'e when she flew to the moon in the lake. There is also a legend that this footprint was left by Genghis Khan when he was chasing his enemies. The beautiful and tranquil Moon Bay is the iconic attraction of Kanas.

[Shenxian Bay] is located in the south of Yaze Hunan. It has become wider due to blockage by debris flows and collapse deposits downstream. The widest point reaches 700 meters. It is the widest section of the Kanas River in the Kanas Lake Scenic Area. The terrain of the river valley here is gentle, forming large swamps and meadows on the riverbanks. There are several small islands in the river, which are said to be places where immortals live, so it is called Immortal Bay.

[Fish-viewing Pavilion] Guanyu Pavilion is located in the Kanas Scenic Area of Brynjin, Xinjiang. It is built on the top of Halakat (Mongolian means "Camel's Peak)" mountain at an altitude of 2,030 meters. The vertical drop from the lake is more than 600 meters. Because it is in the best position to observe the "lake monster", it is named Guanyu Pavilion. The Fish Viewing Pavilion is the best of Kanas attractions, and it is the only best platform to stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kanas.

Day 5: Burqin, Jaden Valley, Kanas, accommodation: Burqin four-star standard hotel

Xinjiang tourist attractions-【Jiadenyu National Forest Park】: This national forest park has dense forests, vast grasslands, rolling mountains, blue skies, white clouds, dense forests and vast pastures, which together constitute the typical natural scenery of northern Xinjiang. The low mountain valley area below 1,500 meters above sea level has narrow and steep terrain. Cliffs, deep valleys, rivers and green trees are intertwined, forming picturesque scenic corridors. It embodies Xinjiang’s unique landscapes, forests and grasslands, and also typically displays the simple cultural landscape of Xinjiang’s nomadic people.

Xinjiang tourist attractions-【Jiadenyu National Forest Park】: This national forest park has dense forests, vast grasslands, rolling mountains, blue skies, white clouds, dense forests and vast pastures, which together constitute the typical natural scenery of northern Xinjiang. The low mountain valley area below 1,500 meters above sea level has narrow and steep terrain. Cliffs, deep valleys, rivers and green trees are intertwined, forming picturesque scenic corridors. It embodies Xinjiang’s unique landscapes, forests and grasslands, and also typically displays the simple cultural landscape of Xinjiang’s nomadic people.

Day 6: Burqin Devil City, Karamay Kuitun, accommodation: Kuitun Four Star Standard Hotel

Xinjiang tourist attractions-【Karamay Devil City】: Also known as Urho Wind City, it is located in the Urho mining area on the lower reaches of the Jiamu River on the northwest edge of the Junggar Basin in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 100 kilometers away from Karamay City. There is a unique wind-eroded landform with a strange shape. The local Mongolians call it "Sulu Muhak".

This area is a typical Yadan landform area. "Yadan" means "steep-walled hill" in Uyghur. The Yadan landform is the most typical Yadan area near Lop Nur in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang. It is named after it. The Yadan landform is a type of wind-eroded landform formed in a drought and strong wind environment, so the landform here is very special.

Day 7: Kuitun Guozigou Bridge to Horgos Port Qingshuihe Town, accommodation: Qingshuihe Four Star Standard Hotel

After breakfast, depart from Kuitun and head to [Guozigou Bridge]. This bridge stretches across here quietly like a jade belt left by a fairy in the mountain stream. The dense towering pine trees on the mountain cover the entire hillside, using their big green umbrellas to push away the white clouds and cover the green mountains. There are many creeks flowing slowly in the valley. The graceful Ili horses and white Xinjiang fine-wool sheep graze in the valley, drink water from the creek, and enjoy the sunshine on the hillside. It takes about 2 hours to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Guozigou.

Then, go to [Horgos], which is located in Huocheng County, 42 kilometers away from Yining City. It is mainly the gateway to experience China, opposite Kazakhstan. You can visit the Horgos International Trade Center, where there are many products with Central Asian characteristics. Stay in Qingshuihe Town at night.

Day 8: Kuitun, Sailimu Lake, Qingshuihe Town, accommodation: Kuitun four-star hotel

After breakfast, depart from Qingshuihe Town and head to"The last tear of the Atlantic Ocean" [Sailimu Lake Scenic Area]Sailimu Lake means "wishes" in Kazakh. The lake surface is
It is azure, surrounded by green grassy lakeside, forests of Tapine trees, snow-capped mountains and white clouds. There are blooming flowers on the grass, pearl-like yurts, and snow-white sheep.
The galloping horses, as well as the pastoral songs and cooking smoke swaying in the wind. You can have fun here and take pictures of the blue sky and the reflection of the snow-capped mountains in the lake.

Day 9: Kuitun S101 National Defense Highway Anjihai Canyon Urumqi, accommodation: Urumqi four-star standard hotel


After breakfast, drive through the S101 National Defense Highway and arrive at the [Anjihai Grand Canyon]. It is located on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in the west of Anjihai Town, Shawan County and originates from the Tianshan Mountains. After tens of millions or even billions of years of wind and rain erosion, an incredible geological wonder has been formed. The place is colorful, criss-crossed with ravines, and densely covered with dangerous peaks. It is like a gorgeous ribbon suspended on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain. It is a magnificent canyon that is breathtaking.

Next, visit the [International Grand Bazaar], which is the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar (bazaar means market) located in Tianshan District, Urumqi. The architecture of the Grand Bazaar is grand in scale and incorporates a strong Islamic style. The market is full of ethnic minority specialty products, with a wide variety and exquisiteness. The entire International Grand Bazaar is the most ethnic-style place in Urumqi, and tourists who come to Urumqi will come to visit.

In the evening, you can walk around Urumqi on your own and experience the exotic customs of Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other ethnic minorities. You can also go to the Grand Bazaar, a traditional market, to taste authentic Xinjiang cuisine.

Day 10: Transfer to Urumqi

According to the flight time, a special car will be sent to the airport to catch the flight, ending this
Have a pleasant and rich trip to Xinjiang.

[Documents] Processing of all Xinjiang travel documents.
[Car] Comfortable tour vehicle for the entire journey (fuel fee, tolls, driver service fee, driver’s food and accommodation fee).
[Accommodation] Accommodation fees listed in the itinerary [Meals] The hotel provides breakfast.
[Driver] Excellent driver provides full service (including driver’s food and accommodation expenses).
[Tour Guide] Excellent tour guide provides full service (including the tour guide’s food and accommodation expenses, and the driver for a group of less than six people also serves as the tour guide).
[Insurance] Travel agency liability insurance, vehicle seat insurance, personal accident insurance.
[Others] Mineral water is provided throughout the entire journey.

[Transportation] Round trip transportation from the departure point to Urumqi (booking service provided)
[Meal fee] Order and pay by yourself (about 30-60RMB per meal)
[Others] Personal expenses, all expenses not mentioned in the included expenses

[Tickets] Tickets for attractions listed in the itinerary.

-Xinjiang is a special autonomous region, and the government has the right to open or close tourist attractions at any time.
-If an attraction is closed, we will discuss with the group members as soon as possible after receiving the notice and provide other alternatives.
-In the event of temporary hotel requisition, we will provide the most appropriate alternative with hotels of the same grade and arrangements.
- In the event of force majeure factors (climate, road conditions, political factors), the itinerary may be changed. We reserve the right to change the itinerary, and the participants will bear any resulting overexpenses.
- Without reducing the number of attractions in the itinerary, the company has the right to change the order of the tour according to the actual situation.
-This itinerary is a shared group itinerary. It is subject to full booking and is based on the payment confirmation time. If the number of people does not reach 6 people 10 days before departure, the group will be cancelled. You can choose another confirmed group time or a full refund. Payment has been made.
- Group-joining itineraries may not necessarily all cost the same due to factors such as different sales channels, various promotional plans, cross-industry cooperation, etc. It depends on the itinerary fees and activities announced at the time of registration.
- Xinjiang belongs to the northwest region, and its economy is different from that of the mainland. Therefore, food, accommodation and transportation are different from those in the mainland. Please understand;
- There is a two-hour difference between Xinjiang and the mainland, but all Xinjiang uses Beijing time for work and rest; Xinjiang’s rest time is around 24:00 in the evening, and the morning work time is around 10:00;

-The temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and the temperature difference can be about 20 degrees. When sleeping at night, the air conditioner should be turned on to a moderate level. Do not get too cold, or sleep without a quilt, which may cause physical discomfort. In addition, please note that if you stay overnight in Tianchi, Nalati Ranch, or visit Kanas Lake, you must bring coats, sweaters and other clothing;
-Due to the vast territory of Xinjiang, the journey by car takes a long time. In many cases, tourists are required to get off the car and walk or experience the fun of horseback riding or camel riding. Therefore, a suitable pair of shoes is particularly important;

-Although the temperature in Xinjiang is slightly lower than that in the mainland, many areas in Xinjiang are exposed to strong ultraviolet radiation due to their high altitude. Therefore, tourists should prepare sufficient and effective sunscreen, as well as heat-clearing, thirst-quenching, and moisturizing medicines or granules, such as Xia Sangju granules, etc., to avoid being unable to withstand the overly dry and hot climate for a while. If you have motion sickness, please bring your own motion sickness medicine;
- When traveling in Xinjiang, due to the long journey and large climate differences, it is difficult for tourists to adapt and they may suffer from acclimatization symptoms. Tourists should bring relevant medicines and some standing medicines, such as band-aids, cold medicines or medicines for gastrointestinal discomfort, etc. ;
- Xinjiang is the land of fruits. It is a great pleasure to eat fruits in Xinjiang, but do not drink hot tea after eating the fruits. Do not drink cold water after eating mutton to avoid causing diarrhea;

- Xinjiang is an area inhabited by various ethnic minorities and has a strong religious flavor. The Mushilin ethnic group does not eat pork, etc. This is a taboo in their lives and must not be offended;
- In most areas of Xinjiang, the quotation when purchasing weighed goods is in kilograms (except Hotan in southern Xinjiang), so when purchasing weighed goods, please confirm whether the quotation is in kilograms or city pounds. When buying tourist souvenirs in the Bazaar (bazaar) , please bargain after confirming your purchase. Non-serious bargaining can lead to dissatisfaction from the seller. If the deal doesn't work out, please be civil and courteous. Before purchasing, ask your tour guide to recommend some purchasing places. Purchase valuable items such as jade at designated shopping malls.

Hemu Village

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